środa, 4 listopada 2015

Polish contribution to Tutankhamun tomb research?

Exactly 94 years ago workers at the Valley of the Kings encountered first steps leading to famous Tutankhamun's tomb. Finally! That was the last season to be financed by millionaire lord Carnarvon.
  Tuthankhamun Egyptian Museum
All of us heard about amazing stuff found inside really modest in size tomb for ancient Egyptian standards. Who knows, maybe it's bigger then we thought? In couple of weeks radar will penetrate its walls in search of Nefertiti - Pharaoh Akhenaten wife burial chamber.

But have anybody heard that Polish artist was engaged in documenting decoration from Tut's tomb? His name was Aleksander Laszenko (1883-1944). For the first time he visited Egypt as a child. As we know - "Once you drink from the Nile you will always come back again." So he keept coming back, he even went for adventurous trip up to Sudan. Happily he was in Luxor during the official tomb opening. According to his account Howard Carter allowed him to draw some sketches in the tomb. If that was true - he would have been the only Pole to visit tomb at this time. Dr. Hieronim Kaczmarek in his book "Poles in Egypt after until 1914" (Polish edition) doubt Laszenko's account because in August his son was born and in December he presented his new painting in Warsaw - Laszenko's visits to Africa usually lasted at least 6 months. 

Aleksander Laszenko Dziewczyna z Ammanu 1935

I am not going to judge here. But in our world we have presumption of innocence rule. So why we should doubt his report? For sure he was great orientalism painter representative not a researcher in our present understanding.

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