czwartek, 22 października 2015

Polish egyptologist honoured with "Bene Merito" distinction

Dr Zbigniew E. Szafrański received "Bene Merito" honorary distinction from Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It's conferred upon the Polish citizens and foreign nationals in recognition of their merits in promoting Poland abroad.

From left to right: Dr. Tomasz Waliszewski (PCMA Director), Michał Murkociński (Polish Ambassador in Egypt), Katarzyna Szafrańska, dr. Zbigniew E. Szafrański, dr, Artur Obłuski (director of PCMA - Cairo branch) with his wife Joanna. photo: courtesy of Polish Embassy in Cairo/K. Leśniak.

Dr Szafrański leads the Polish-Egyptian Archaeological-Conservation mission at Hathsepsut's temple in Egypt. From 2005 until 2015 he headed the Cairo Research Centre - foreign branch of the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology (PCMA). It's the only Polish research centre in Africa and in the Middle East. Established in 1959 and remain operational without any disturbance ever since. Dr. Szafrański has been working for Polish Center since 1979. He participated in numerous Polish projects in Egypt - among others in Alexandria and Saqqara. During his directorship at Polish Center he organized busy schedule of scientific lectures and seminars.

"His role in strengthening ties with archaeological institutions in Cairo is inestimable and has contributed substantially to promoting Polish archaeology on the international scene", one can read at Cairo's branch PCMA facebook profile.

The ceremony was held in the PCMA residence garden in Cairo on October 19th. Michał Murkociński - the Polish Ambassador handed "Bene Merito" distinction personally.

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